New York (United States)
Various Chinese Destinations
Hainan Airlines
Air China (Star Alliance)
Fare information
base fare: TCLREUSF
Booking link
Sample Skyscanner link: NYC-SZX $423
Deals we found
New York (NYC) to Fuzhou (FOC) for $417
New York (NYC) to Shanghai (SHA) for $423
New York (NYC) to Shenzhen (SZX) for $423
New York (NYC) to Xiamen (XMN) for $452
New York (NYC) to Kunming (KMG) for $452
New York (NYC) to Beijing (BJS) for $482
New York (NYC) to Tianjin (TSN) for $482
New York (NYC) to Taiyuan (TYN) for $482
New York (NYC) to Urumqi (URC) for $502
New York (NYC) to Guangzhou (CAN) for $502
New York (NYC) to Zhengzhou (CGO) for $502
New York (NYC) to Hangzhou (HGH) for $502
When is this available?
Availability always differs, so we suggest using Google flights or Skyscanner to look for your perfect dates. Airlines can pull deals at any time. If you want to book this, book it soon. If you’ve arrived too late, and the deal is gone, sign up for our email alerts so you don’t miss the next deal!
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