A biz class fare for under $1500 from Madrid to Lima, not bad.

The Plus Ultra Líneas Aéreas business class product isn’t the best.  But for a route this long, it’s never a bad idea to sit in the big seats.


Madrid (Spain and Canary Islands)


Lima (Peru)


Plus Ultra Líneas Aéreas.

Fare information

base fare: CHESRT50,DHESRT50

Booking link

Sample Skyscanner link: MAD-LIM $1368

When is this available?

Availability always differs, so we suggest using Google flights or Skyscanner to look for your perfect dates. Airlines can pull deals at any time. If you want to book this, book it soon. If you’ve arrived too late, and the deal is gone, sign up for our email alerts so you don’t miss the next deal!

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